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Payment Option 1: Zhifubao or WeChat pay (for Mainland China users)

价格:人民币14,600元(美金2,000元)/年 (VIP会员/位)

人民币4,913元(美金673元)/年 (基础会员/位)

Rate:RMB 14,600(US$2,000) /Year (per VIP Member)

RMB 4,913(US$673)/Year (per Basic Member)


Payment Option 2: Credit Card (for the users outside of Mainland China)

  • 如何续费?


  • 如何续费?

    在付费后,您可以随时取消会员账号,或年费到期时,选择不续费,但抱歉我们无法 提供任何全部或部分退款。

  • 付费后我可以申请退款收据或发票吗?

    可以的,无论您是以个人还是公司名义付费,我们都将通过邮件发送收据或发票, 您可凭此向公司报销。




  • Privacy Information

    Any information provided by users of this web site ("the Site") will only be used by insightsandmandate.com in accordance with insightsandmandate.com's Privacy Policy as detailed herein.

  • Privacy Statement

    insightsandmandate.com takes the privacy of its users seriously. This Privacy Policy explains our practices in relation to the use of your personal information.

  • Collection of Personal Information

    Personal information will be collected from users only with their consent in connection with their registration with the Site. This process involves the use of "cookies" which allow insightsandmandate.com to identify users when they visit the Site. Personal information will also be collected if users participate in any competitions through the Site or order any goods or services through the Site. The contact information collected from users will be used to fulfil such orders and the financial information that is provided will be used by insightsandmandate.com to bill users for any goods or services ordered by them through the Site. We will also process the personal information collected by insightsandmandate.com for the purposes of building marketing profiles, aiding strategic development, managing our relationship with advertisers and auditing usage of the site. We will only use such information in the aggregate form so that no individual person is identified.

  • Disclosure of Information

    We will not disclose any information that we obtain from users to any third parties, or where we have indicated when users have supplied such information. When personal information is obtained from users we will advise them how we will store it and how they can review it, change it and delete it.

  • Links to third party sites

    This Privacy Policy applies only to the Site. If you access any third party site through links on insightsandmandate.com, the protection of your personal data is not the responsibility of insightsandmandate.com.


