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来源:投资洞见与委托 作者:投资洞见与委托 发布时间: 5年前

In order to recognize the outstanding achievements in the regional asset management industry, especially from cross-border investments and responsible investments, Insights & Mandate ("I&M") has initiated its annual Professional Investment Awards since the year of 2018. 

Award Categories

The Professional Investment Awards are divided into three categories: Performance, Market and Regional.

Performance Awards: recognize the investment achievements of every asset allocation strategies and funds being managed by the asset management companies.

Market Awards: focus on the accomplishments comparison of the investment companies which submit the applications from the same market, and to draw out the best performer from the following markets:

Mainland China

Hong Kong



Regional Awards: identify the best performers in the Asia Pacific region from asset management companies, service providers to institutional investors. The winner-firms take the leader positions and best practices in terms of company development, innovation, ESG integration, service providing and investment performance.

How to Participate

We will usually issue out the Awards Guidelines on early January of every year, and kick off the submission application from that on to end of January.  

All the submissions and supporting documents where relevant are only accepted by email. 

Awards Results and Ceremony

The awards results is usually announced in mid of February and an awards ceremony should be hosted in mid of April. The more details can be provided after the awards results is announced.  


